Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Okay this is my story.

The Jasonater.

Issue #1

In New York, there was an excessively nerdy college student named Jason. Now Jason wasn’t at all athletic, he wasn’t strong, fast, or even very Super, but that was all going to change. One night he looked up into the enthralling night sky and he saw a single star shining with all of its glory, which isn’t very much glory since it was a star billions of miles away, or so he thought. But little did he know what wishing on that star would do to him. Jason made the wish and suddenly the star that he wished upon was flying straight at him, this is when he realized that this was no star. The “thing” Jason had wished on was what you call a “wish answerer”. The “wish answerer” was only a mile away so it could hear Jason’s wish and decided to grant him that wish. (Just so you know, “the wish answerer” doesn’t have a mind of its own so when I say it “decided” to answer Jason’s wish its not entirely true. I don’t even know what a "wish answerer" is. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I have no idea how the wish answerer heard Jason from a mile away. ) The next day, Jason woke up and realized he was still in the park and people were looking strangely at him. He didn’t realize what happened until later that day.

It was Saturday and he wanted to go home since he hadn’t been home all night. And he thought to himself, “I wish I was at home right now.” Jason closed his eyes and focused on an image of his house and suddenly, he was in his room. He was wondering what was going on so he went out of his room and he was still in his house. He was dumbstruck, he didn’t know that he was able to do that. Jason decided to go back into his room and get changed, so he took off his shirt and was going to take the rest of his clothes off when he saw his physique had totally changed. Now Jason had muscular biceps, triceps, abs, you name it, it was all muscular, well pretty much. Anyways, Jason decided to go to the store and get some beef stew, so he thought up an image of the local Safeway branch and suddenly, he was standing right outside the door. He got his beef stew and decided to go for a run. There was one of those traffic meters that tells you how fast you are going, so he ran past it, not hearing the sonic boom that exploded through the air like an atomic bomb. Jason jumped, he flew up in the air and landed in Central Park. Jason decided to come up with an ultimate test to see if he really was super, even though he knew that he was. Jason decided to since he was in New York that he would step out in traffic, so he did and someone almost ran into him. Nothing happened because Jason held out his hand and stopped the car. After this disturbance he decided to go back to Central Park. Then he decided to make a Superhero name. He started to list off some names that turned out not to be to his liking, Jasonman, Super Jason, Maleman, The Jasonater. “Wait.” he thought to himself, “The Jasonater sounds nice, it’s the best.” So that is how The Jasonater was formed.


reallife.MINISTRIES said...

looking forward to "issue #2"!

The Bald Guy said...

Good, I'm in the process of writing it right now.

The Bald Guy said...

I think I am going to fill some of the gaps that may be in issue 1 and 2 in issue#3

The Bald Guy said...

I just finished issue 2

maggie said...

i like stories. this will be a fun blog to add to my daily blog time.

The Bald Guy said...

yeah i'll try to keep them coming